June 7, 2013
On June 10, 2013, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
Bureau (TTB) will publish a final rule in the Federal Register amending its regulations
regarding the mandatory labeling requirements for wine. The regulatory change permits
alcohol content to appear on other labels affixed to the container rather than requiring it
to appear on the brand label. This regulatory change provides greater flexibility in wine
labeling and will conform the TTB wine labeling regulations to the World Wine Trade
Group (WWTG) Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labeling. This final rule will be
effective on August 9, 2013.
As described in the final rule, TTB also has determined that a new certificate of label
approval (COLA) is not required if the only change made to the labels appearing on a
previously issued COLA is the moving of the alcohol content information to a label other
than the brand label.
To view the complete rulemaking record regarding this regulatory amendment, including
the proposed rule (Notice No. 74), the public comments received in response to the
proposed rule, and the final rule (T.D. TTB–114) once it is published, see Docket No.
TTB–2007–0065 at the “Regulations.gov” website (https://www.regulations.gov).
Source: TTB